
214 lines
8.7 KiB

# Arguments
## `fetch` - Fetch the latest colorscripts from the repository
- `extract_destination` - eXtract the colorscripts archive to a custom location
- `verbose` - Print colorscripts when generating
## `list` - Print a list of Pokemon names and Pokedex number
- `forms` - Print a list of forms of the specified Pokemon
## `print` - Print a Pokemon colorscript
- `big` - Print a bigger version of the colorscript
- `form` - Print Pokemon by list of space-separated forms. Follows the order of the names/Pokedex number specified. If not specified, it will print the regular form.
- `hide-name` - Do not print Pokemon name
- `name` - Print Pokemon by list of space-separated names. Use `random` to print a random Pokemon.
- `pokedex` - Print Pokemon by list of space-separated Pokedex numbers. Use `0` to print a random Pokemon.
- `shiny` - Rate of printing the shiny version of the colorscript
- `spacing` - Number of spaces between colorscripts
/// Pokemon Colorscripts written in Rust
fn main() {
let args = argument_parser();
if let Some(fetch_args) = args.subcommand_matches("fetch") {
// fetch
let extract_destination_raw: &String =
let extract_destination: &std::path::Path = std::path::Path::new(extract_destination_raw);
let verbose: bool = fetch_args.get_flag("verbose");
// display selections
println!("Extract destination: {}", extract_destination.display());
println!("Verbose: {}", verbose);
// invoke bigchungus fetch function
rustmon::fetch::fetch(extract_destination, verbose)
} else if let Some(list_args) = args.subcommand_matches("list") {
// list
// validate files first
let pokemon_name: &String = list_args.get_one::<String>("forms").unwrap();
if pokemon_name.is_empty() {
// list
match rustmon::list::print_pokemon_list() {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
} else {
// list/forms
match rustmon::list::print_pokemon_forms(pokemon_name) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
} else if let Some(print_args) = args.subcommand_matches("print") {
// print
// validate files first
// declare and define variables from arguments
let big = print_args.get_flag("big");
let forms: Vec<&String> = print_args.get_many("form").unwrap().collect();
let hide_name: bool = print_args.get_flag("hide-name");
let names: Vec<&String> = print_args.get_many("name").unwrap().collect();
let pokedexes: Vec<u16> = print_args.get_many("pokedex").unwrap().copied().collect();
let shiny_rate: f32 = *print_args.get_one::<f32>("shiny").unwrap();
let spacing: u8 = *print_args.get_one::<u8>("spacing").unwrap();
// print
rustmon::print::print(big, forms, hide_name, names, pokedexes, shiny_rate, spacing);
fn argument_parser() -> clap::ArgMatches {
return clap::command!()
// info
.about("Pokemon Colorscripts written in Rust")
// fetch subcommand
.about("Fetch the latest colorscripts from the repository")
// fetch/extract_destination
.help("eXtract the colorscripts archive to a custom location")
// fetch/verbose
.help("Print colorscripts when generating")
// list subcommand
.about("Print a list of Pokemon names and Pokedex number")
// list/forms
.help("Print a list of forms of the specified Pokemon")
"Tip: Use `grep` to search for a specific Pokemon form!
Example: `rustmon list | grep 'pikachu'`
For more advanced usage, use `less` or `more` to scroll through the list!",
// print subcommand
.about("Print a Pokemon colorscript")
// print/big
.help("Print a bigger version of the colorscript")
// print/form
.help("Print Pokemon by list of space-separated forms. Follows the order of the names/Pokedex number specified. If not specified, it will print the regular form. Has no effect on random Pokemon.")
// print/hide-name
.help("Do not print Pokemon name")
// print/name
.help("Print Pokemon by list of space-separated names. Use `random` to print a random Pokemon.")
// print/pokedex
.help("Print Pokemon by list of space-separated Pokedex numbers. Use `0` to print a random Pokemon.")
// TODO: use a dynamic range instead of 0..906
// try not to hardcode?
// print/shiny
"Rate of printing the shiny version of the colorscript (e.g. 0.10 for 10% chance)",
// print/spacing
"Number of spaces between colorscripts",
.args(&["name", "pokedex"])
// finalize